Blue Suit Mom

Four Seasons of Allergies

Autumn is a time of beautiful changing leaves, crisp air, fall harvests….and allergies! Although many people associate allergy season with the blooming flowers of the spring, fall is when the majority of allergy sufferers are affected.

Recently, Waterpik along with the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) hosted an event to educate people on allergies and to encourage sinus health. Did you know that…

  • Nearly half of all households deal with allergies or asthma.
  • 90% of allergens in the household are found in the bedroom.
  • Pet dander is actually food for dust mites – yuck!
  • Currently, Knoxville, Tennessee ranks as the top allergy capital in the country for this year. To find out where your city ranks on the list, check out

To help combat cold and flu season along with any seasonal allergies you may suffer from, nasal washing is recommended. Waterpik has taken a modern approach to this ancient practice and made sinus rinsing easy and comfortable – your children will even enjoy doing it!

Waterpik has recently introduced a line of Neti and other sinus rinsing products to help you through cold and flu season. Go to to learn more about their new line and to learn how you can keep your sinuses healthy through every season!

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