Mom Talk® Radio

Teaching Your Children About Money

On this week’s episode of Mom Talk Radio, Maria spoke with:

  • Laura Roppé, singer-songwriter, cancer survivor, speaker and former attorney discusses her new book, Rocking the Pink: Finding Myself on the Other Side of Cancer.
  • Pediatric specialist, Dr. Harley A. Rotbart tells us about his new book – No Regrets Parenting: Turning Long Days and Short Years into Cherished Moments with Your Kids.
  • Lori Zaslow, from the new Bravo series, “Love Broker.”
  • The Mom’s Roundtable discusses teaching your children about money.
  • Dr. Jennifer Caudle teaches us about fibromyalgia.

This week’s episode was sponsored by Family Circle and Land’s End.

Listen to the podcast here or download the free Mom Talk Radio app here.

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