Blue Suit Mom

Waterpik® Showerheads: Conservation without Compromise

In a very active household of six people, including three teens and one tween, we take a lot of showers. We also do our part to conserve water, so I was pleased to hear about Waterpik® EcoFlow® shower heads. When most people think of low flow shower heads, they think their shower performance will suffer. Waterpik® EcoFlow® shower heads are engineered to save water and money without sacrificing a great shower experience. Using the OptiFlow® technology – which optimizes the flow through the water channels and nozzles – , EcoFlow® shower heads improve spray force to deliver an invigorating shower experience and up to a gallon of water savings per minute ($100 savings), over traditional shower heads! It’s conservation without compromise.

For information about Waterpik EcoFlow shower heads, water conservation efforts and more, connect with Waterpik on the website at, on Facebook at

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