Blue Suit Mom

Turn Your Mom Powers into Moneymakers

A 20112 Gallup poll found that 14 percent of mothers with children under the age of 18 did not work outside the home. Those with the least education were also the most likely to remain out of the labor force; slightly less than half of those who had a high school education or less were employed. Three-quarters of college graduates worked outside the home.

Of course, most of us realize that being a full-time mom is a job in itself, just without the salary. But what happens when the kids are grown? Unless you’re independently wealthy and plan to travel the world, you’re probably thinking about finding a job that can provide some satisfaction and income. Even if you haven’t worked outside the home for years, or perhaps even not at all, many of your “mom skills” can actually help you discover a new career.

Event planner

Moms are often tasked with planning numerous events, from birthday and Halloween parties to extravagant holiday dinners and vacations. If you’ve enjoyed planning and creating successful events, your skills can translate into a rewarding career as an event planner.

While there may be more job opportunities for those who hold a Bachelor’s degree, the skills you have as a mom, such as taking care of everyone and multi-tasking, are crucial for successful event planners. reports that 28 percent of event planners have either no degree or an associate’s degree.

Of course, you might even consider starting your own event planning business. IBISWorld reports that the outlook for event and party planning businesses is positive, with revenue predicted to increase through 2018.

Veterinary technician

Smart senior businesswomanA family often includes pets, and countless moms have been tasked with nursing a baby bird or other animals the kids have found and promised they’d take care of. How many times have you had to trim the cat’s sharp nails or clean up a mess after the dog got into the leftovers and made a mess all over the carpet?

If, despite the “yuck” factor, you still love your animals, your skills could translate into a paid career. While you’ll need an associate’s degree, colleges like Penn Foster offer online programs, making a diploma much easier to obtain. The outlook for this career is excellent too, with the U.S. Bureau of Labor projecting opportunities to grow by 30 percent through 2022, much faster than the average job.

Bookkeeping and accounting

As a stay-at-home-mom you may be in charge of family finances, which means you’ve probably developed a number of marketable skills like budgeting and bookkeeping. If you enjoy working with numbers, there are many businesses that could use your assistance.

The job outlook is good, with opportunities for bookkeeping, accounting, and auditing clerks expected to increase by 11 percent through 2022. While you’ll probably need a high school diploma, many of the required skills are learned on the job. Those who are familiar with spreadsheets and bookkeeping software are likely to have a leg up on the competition.

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