Blue Suit Mom

Say Hi to Summer Thighs

This post is sponsored by CoolSculpting.

As if I needed any reminding that we’re in the midst of summer, my in-car thermometer informs me that it’s 102 degrees outside. As I put the car into gear, I look down at my jean-clad legs and immediately regret the choice to not wear shorts this morning. You see – I rarely wear shorts. It’s not that I hate my legs – I just don’t love them. And apparently, I’m not alone. According to a recent survey conducted by ZELTIQ® Aesthetics, Inc., a whopping 22% of women all together refuse to wear shorts. Now, I don’t know about these ladies, but I’m tired of sweating in my jeans! That’s why I’m vowing to change my outlook and give myself the confidence to rock my shorts this summer and you can too- here’s how…

  1. Don’t be so hard on yourself. We’ve all been there…you look at yourself in the mirror and frown over that one part of our body that you find flawed. STOP! Cut yourself some slack. You are probably the only one that notices (and cares) about those dimples on your upper thighs.
  2. Play up your assets. Have rockin’ arms? Wear a cute tank top! Pretty eyes? Pull your hair back and show the world your face. Feeling confident about the parts of your body that you love will take your mind off the parts you don’t.
  3. Get active. In addition to being good for your health, exercise can improve your mood as well. Even if it’s just a 30 minute walk/ jog on the treadmill before the baby wakes up, breaking a sweat before the day begins has me walking on cloud nine the rest of the day.

Still need that little boost of confidence to rock your summer shorts? If you’ve done all of the above and still want to get your thighs (or abs, or love handles) summer-ready, check out CoolSculpting, the only non-surgical body contouring treatment that freezes and eliminates fat from your body.


CoolSculpting wants to help you get ready for summer with the Say Hi to Summer Thighs giveaway! Enter below for your change to win two CoolSculpting thigh treatments and a $500 shopping spree! (Total value of grand prize is $2000)!

About the Author: Shauna Lewis is a mom to a rambunctious toddler and freelance graphic designer at She also blogs (however, infrequently) at

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